With our team of experienced experts and specialized equipment, Network Project Logistics Inc. offers transportation services for out-of-gauge and heavy freight on the Europe-Turkey-Central Asia line. We utilize raft body and low-bed vehicles to safely transport freight that exceeds standard size and weight requirements. The company also provides services to other sea transportation areas with Flatrack containers and Opentop Containers with container ships or complete or partial ship chartering.
Transformer Transports, Turbine Transports, Generator Transports, Construction Machinery Transports (Excavator, Dozer, Loader etc.), Transportation, Gabari Cargo Transports, Power Plant Transports, Concrete Plant Transports, Stone-Breaking and Screening Plant Transports, Casting Units Transports, Ship Engine Transports, Boat and Yacht Transports are the first ones that come to mind under the category of Heavy Freight and Out of Gauge Freight.
Transformer Transports, Turbine Transports, Generator Transports, Construction Machinery Transports (Excavator, Dozer, Loader etc.), Transportation, Gabari Cargo Transports, Power Plant Transports, Concrete Plant Transports, Stone-Breaking and Screening Plant Transports, Casting Units Transports, Ship Engine Transports, Boat and Yacht Transports are the first ones that come to mind under the category of Heavy Freight and Out of Gauge Freight.

What is Heavy and Out of Gauge Transportation?
Out-of-gauge transportation includes freight that does not fit the standard tarpaulin truck or standard container in terms of weight and size Performing with special equipment and by experienced specialists is very important.
What are the vehicles used in Heavy and Out of Gauge Transportation?
For cargo that exceeds the standard dimensions of a tilt truck, Salkasa trailers are utilized for road transportation, while lowbed and semi-lowbed vehicles are employed for cargo that exceeds the standard dimensions and weight requirements After analyzing the cargo, vehicles with extension or pooling are also used if necessary.

For freight not fitting in a standard 40HC container, Opentop Container is used only if there is overflow from the top or if there is no possibility of loading into the container from the back door. Flatrack containers are used if standard containers cannot be used due to width and